How to Think Like a Health Coaching Client

Do you ever feel that if you could just get inside the head of your client, you could make so much more progress on serving them the way that they need you to? 

Or, if you could hear the thoughts of your target market, then your marketing would be more effective, your message would be clear and concise!

What if I told you that you REALLY could learn to think like your client? 

Here are the ways I have found over close to 12 years of coaching and several hundred clients:

1. Always remember that your client is in it for themselves.

They take everything you say and write and apply it to their own situation. They are mainly concerned about themselves and their needs (hence what motivated them to personally sacrifice and invest to hire you!)

So, if the words aren’t what they need right now, they move past. If they don’t relate to you or what you’re sharing, they scroll past. If in a client call, they are there for a specific need and you share something completely different, they tune you out. Be sure to TUNE IN to the one in front of you (whether pictured in you remind, or REALLY sitting in front of you) and their specific need every time you share and watch the engagement with your posts and results from your efforts grow!

2. They will only take action on the parts that they feel are actionable for them.

This is where getting your client to “buy into” the benefits of the changes they need to make is so vital! Instead of trying to sell them on the value of the information you are giving them, what if you instead shared with them 1-2 instantly applicable tips, and helped them to envision the powerful transformation that could take place in their life by acting on the information you are giving them. Then give them ONLY the next 1-2 tasks or focuses for implementing, so that overwhelm doesn’t take over.

For readers and community members who aren’t clients yet, this works similarly. If they can “buy into” what you're “selling them” on your posts, videos, blogs - they will see quick results (even small ones are still motivating) and be moved into more action and possibly a coaching relationship with you.

Our industry is FULL of information these days. (Not that you can’t or shouldn’t provide more of it, and in your unique way!) Just pointing out that people are a bit saturated with information.

Keep information posts and videos to maybe 1 out of 4 wherever you post and publish. This way, you’re still supplying valuable knowledge, BUT your focus is on more engaging, quick-bite, actionable pieces. This will FOR SURE generate more conversion!

3. Their own experiences, negative and positive, have shaped the way that they receive information.

As they listen to you, they are actually considering whether or not to take action on what you are telling them, through a filter that they brought with them from their previous life experiences. Remembering this and looking at their action or inaction based on THEIR filter will equip you to aid them in their lifestyle changes in a stronger way. It also helps us to not take so much personally!

People’s decisions have much less to do with us, and more to do with them and their stories.

When we write or film out of a sensitivity to someone’s journey and pain, we will reach deeper into their emotions, their hearts. They feel heard, seen, cared about. They will be drawn to you and your offerings (and as a client, to what you have to say) because they now know that you care about them. That you understand, even. Maybe even have been through similar experiences and you now have common ground to relate to each other on.

4. Realize that there is NO “right or wrong way.” They are thinking “will this or will this not work for me?”

Clients (or readers who you want to convert to clients) are far less concerned about a “perfect way” of doing things (in fact, they’re often turned off by fundamental suggestions) and are usually much more interested in whether or not your sharing will actually WORK for them.

Reassure them that this will work when they work the plan, no matter how fast or slow they are able to go! Cheerlead them, stay open to constantly swerving in directions that work FOR THEM. They lead their own journey, even the coaching journey with you! You are there to support and be a partner in it.

The bottom line is, when you’re sharing with clients
(or those you want to convert to clients) you hold some of the power in the outcome.

In the way you communicate, you’ll either build their natural resistance or break it down through a couple of different things:

The way you deliver the information - your tone, your body language, your attitude. They will be either turned on or turned off by what you show them. People can FEEL our care towards them, whether it’s true or a put-on. Whether it’s laced with agenda, or pure in intent.

Your tone towards them can influence whether or not they feel confident in themselves, in you, in the plan, or even help build their confidence in a healthier way. Many times when people feel like they are not as “good” as the person sitting across from them, they shut down in their reception. They may feel intimidated or overwhelmed by the other person's perceived higher level of intelligence. I’ve found that when I let the Holy Spirit just flow through me, removing all preconceived judgements of the person in front of me, I’m a vessel of more love. This miraculously removes barriers in our communication and helps the client open up in a warmer way, making way for transformative heart change!

Sometimes, the person in front of you is struggling with mental unhealth, and conditions such as anxiety, OCD or depression.

Someone who is actively battling OCD becomes overwhelmed easily, and so if the information is coming at them too fast (or too fancy) they will often shut down and stop absorbing it. Or, they will absorb it, but will not be able to enact it, due to the overwhelm.

If depression is a factor, they may be trying to process what you are saying through a foggy brain, through mental capacity that's moving slower than normal. Or, they may translate what you were saying into their own failure, before they've even started. Be sure to stay aware of this and breathe belief into them at every step, while also firmly holding them accountable (with questions) and asking for their participation at THEIR desired speed.

These are just starter points on understanding our audience more and communicating more effectively with our clients. (If this is something you’re looking to strengthen in your coaching skills, we train IN DEPTH on this in our Christian Health Coach Academy!)

Let’s chat about your experience on this topic. What have you found about “thinking like a client” in your own journey? Please share in the comments so others can learn from your pointers!

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