“I am so grateful.”

“...to have found the Christian Health Coach Academy as I had been seeking an outstanding Christ-centered, Biblically-based health coaching program…and that’s exactly what I found with you all! I will be recommending this program to my colleagues who want to become certified in the health coaching field. There is no other program I’m aware of that offers such a robust combination of training, support and resources than this one.”

— J.D. Indiana

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“I highly recommend.”

"...the Christian Health Coach Academy to anyone who is interested in meshing faith with practice. It gives you the “meat and potatoes” of health and wellness coaching. The “gravy” is the continued dedicated support of Coach Bess  the mentor coaches and the greater community of graduated Christian Coaches who are out there making the world a healthier place, one person at a time.”

— L.C. New York

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Recently (after 40 years in nursing) I heard the Spirit of the Lord say to me, “It’s okay to dream again.” And as I prepared my Academy homework assignment and looked at my mission, God reminded me of past dreams that He had placed on my heart, but I had forgotten..

— J.C. Ohio


“Blows me away!”

"Wow…how does one begin to describe how blessed and enriched and humbled they are to be part of this incredible, beautiful anointed group of women. I don’t think you ladies have any idea of the quality and professional level of training you have put together. Blows me away! CORPORATIONS don’t do it this well."

— B.M. Michigan


“I have more confidence.”

I had completed other trainings but this one brought me further in my business that any other. I got clear on my purpose and instead of feeling held back and unsure. I now speak and write about my services with more confidence.

Knowing that I have support from people who have my best wishes at heart, I always feel that the feedback is honest and noble. The guidance is genuine and it comes from experienced women who have gone there before me.

— J.E. Massachusetts

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“I feel at home.”

...with these coaches... like I am with others who "get it" and are wanting to serve Him and others. It is a great fit and I am building on a strong foundation without a lot of extra "noise".

I love the real sharing that Bess does... she shares encouraging word and shares the hard times that we all face. Also, Bess' overall practical, systems-based approach to business building/maintenance and coaching itself is so so so practical. I love the easily accessible approach she offers.

— W.W. Massachusetts

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We want to help you with your Biz-Building Dream!