4 Mistakes I Made When I Started My Business

What would you do differently if you could start your business over?

The question was recently posted in one of my business groups on social media and I had to stop for a minute to think. 

What would I do differently? Or why would I ever want to start over? 

The experiences I’ve had since starting my business ten years ago - negative, positive and everything in between - they’ve shaped me. They’ve built my character, my determination, my belief in God as my CSO (Chief Spiritual Officer) ...and my belief in myself, too! 

All of them have been priceless. I know I would never want to start over. I would lose too much by not having this past decade of learning behind me.

But IF I asked myself this question, just for fun...how would I answer it?

Here’s what I came up with… 

4 Mistakes I Made When I Started My Business

4 Mistakes I Made When I Started My Business.png

#1 I listened to everyone for advice - which led to incredible overwhelm and eventually, disaster.

I found myself constantly listening to other business owners, every guru I could find, and all the “armchair coaches” on the social media threads. But the day I was freed from thinking I had to take every direction offered, was the day I decided that God was my CSO! He is enough, and He gives ME ENOUGH to do this! I finally realized that even being new, I knew enough right then to move forward in the purpose He has for me!

Oooohh I cannot express fully the feeling of that freedom!

These days, if I feel myself starting to tune in too much, and “go under” with advice-overwhelm, I stop the flow immediately! I do an email list purge, turn off all social apps on my phone - and I get into just worship and work. Just me and God.

Friend, there is freedom in doing business with God at the helm and believing in YOU first! Focusing on the plan and strategy HE gives you, trusting it’s “good enough” as you do. WOW. This is one thing I would definitely do differently.

#2 I underpriced my services because of my own self-worth issues.

And it stung when I’d deliver an amazing coaching service, or create an amazing resource, pouring my heart and many hours into it, only to receive a small amount in my business account for it. I also noticed that when the investment was too small, the client was not as committed. Hmmmm!

Over time, I began to correct this, slowly raising my rates as I listened to the needs of the people I served, but also listening to that inner voice saying “You’re worth it, you are. Now step it up.”

A beautiful other thing began to happen, too.

The people I attracted as I improved and charged more, were a more committed, serious-about-change kind of people. I was charging more, but I was subconsciously saying “I’m serious about helping you if you’re serious about doing this!”

Kid you not, the difference is HUGE in previously not charging enough - and now, charging not only MY worth, but THEIRS! It’s rewarding to realize I help my precious clients more by asking for their investment with confidence (which equates to their commitment, mutual respect between us, and incredible client results!)

#3 I thought I wasn’t qualified because I wasn’t a college grad or a certified coach. 

It was almost a disqualifier for me in the beginning (to myself, not others!) Miraculously, God kept bringing me the clients, I would passionately help them with what I knew then, and they would tell others, who would then join my community and eventually, hire me. I always say I “fell into this” because I really didn’t have a great strategy in the early years - I kind of stumbled my way into a world I was NOT qualified for!

But, do you know not a SINGLE client EVER asked me if I was “certified” or qualified in any other way? Crazy, right? 

They cared more about being cared about than what my qualifications were.

And since I began my health coaching business in January of 2010, I’ve coached hundreds of precious people into healthier lifestyles, finding pain relief naturally, and experiencing HOPE again in their lives! {All because God qualifies the called!}

When I realized that I was weighing my worth and qualifications by the world’s standards, I repented from it. When the thoughts of doubt in my own abilities come (and when they still do) I turn back to the Word and get my mind right. I’ve always craved approval in my life, and I wonder if God is using this very thing to help me grow out of that need? To this day, I’m honest about MY lack of qualifications but oh-so-confident in God’s!

Now, this isn’t to say that education and ongoing learning hasn’t been there in my entrepreneur journey - it has! I’ve read dozens of books, put in hundreds of hours of research, attended numerous courses, classes and even underwent a formal coach training through a corporate employer. These things are vital to growth and I believe strongly in always learning, always stretching, always growing! (I’m a learn-a-holic, like many of you!) 
However, those things don’t qualify me (or you!) for this work. GOD DOES. And He equips us in ways education can’t.
He puts His “Super” on our “Natural” and watch out, world! That combo can’t be beat!

So, does this mean that I don’t promote or believe in Certification programs or degrees?

Of course not!
I have high esteem for them, and those who invest dollars and hours and stress and heartache and passion into them!

Heck, I even created a Christian Health Coach Certification program that we offer here in our community!

I just don’t believe they are to be used as a “qualifier.” They are an educator, a tool for us to employ to be equipped in this important work. I just believe we should only pursue them out of a need to learn and be equipped, not as a way to “feel qualified” to do something we are called to!

#4 I worked too hard.

Ever heard of that powerful saying “learn to work smarter, not harder?” Well, that is ringing in the back of my head almost daily now, after learning the hard way that “working harder” is not smart for sustainability! Now, it’s a mantra that I remind myself of when I slip back into old ways of grinding out work, instead of flowing in it at a realistic pace.

In the early days, I pounded the “internet pavement” if you will, hustling hard, head bent down, grinding out work, drinking too much coffee and sacrificing sleep. (And you couldn’t tell me not to, I was BOSS WOMAN and loving it!)

But alas, that level of hustle can’t be sustained, and I burned out. After only a couple years, too! I now know, if you want to build a long-term success of your business, it’s better to work smarter.

I took pride in working hard those days. But now I realize - there’s pride in having an excellent work ethic, and then there’s that vanity-kind-of-pride, where I wanted everyone around me to see how hard I worked! God and I had to work through that one, too...now I want to pursue a more Biblically-based, excellent work ethic, and that includes adopting a “work smarter” mindset!

There’s power in working smarter, too. Having this as a mindset makes space for fresh ideas, easier ways of doing things and bigger dreams! 

Here’s what working smarter means to me:

  • Automating business systems like email, social, website and blog

  • Scheduling things (like blog posts, social media, emails etc) ahead of time

  • Creating established “workflows” for my business for each area - then, it becomes faster each time

  • Reaching more people because I’m “duplicating myself” by establishing flows

  • Being open-minded to learning new ways (not being stubborn about the “old ways”)

  • Learning to say “no, thank you” to those things that don't align with my purpose

    Wow, I’m having some powerful a-ha’s again, just writing this post!

I’m deeply grateful for the mistakes I made over the years - they gave me the opportunity to lean into God as my CSO in such a greater capacity! They molded me, helping me become the person I am today (and I like her!) 

What about you, friend? What are some priceless “mistakes” you are grateful for? Share them with us in the comments on this post, and be sure to share this post to encourage someone else!