How to Be a Leader in a Follower World

To be seen as a leader of your expertise in a world FULL of followers,


Here are 6 ways to do that effectively:

#1  Be exactly who you are, be authentic, be honest… be YOU!

No matter where you currently are in your life, for instance - healing, growing, struggling, succeeding - there's someone in your life that still needs you to serve them as a Coach. After all, there's so many seasons and all are needed for forming us, and readying us! Even from this current place which might not feel ideal or be your idea of “ready.”

There's a reason God sees you as qualified, ready, anointed and capable of serving - even if YOU don't feel qualified or see your own abilities yet. He sees what others see about you! He sees your heart and your eagerness to be a vessel of hope to someone right now. And really, as a Coach, that's what we are MOST.  A Vessel.

Someone He can flow through as He puts His Super on our Natural and makes us perfectly able in all our shortcomings. It’s an amazing thing!

As you walk in your authentic season - speaking to others from an authentically surrendered place and sharing your journey with them - you’ll be impactful and leading from a REAL, approachable and honest place.

This also means being fully YOU in the personality, qualities and even shortcomings that YOU embody! If you are naturally a quieter person, with a serious demeanor - it’s beautiful! It’s YOU. Others will be drawn to you. If you are a louder, more fun-loving and energetic person - you’re beautiful! No matter what your “authentic self” is like…walk in it. Always growing, always working towards the best version of YOU, but being yourself. No matter what, you’ll attract your special people, and build your community of people looking for your solutions.

#2  Build your God-fidence (Confidence through God!)

But how? 

For me, a lifetime of struggling with low self-esteem and self-worth issues stem from my childhood full of trauma and abuse, where a theology of “the lower we are, the more God is glorified” was taught and modeled. This does NOT come in handy as a leader! After all, we know that we have to lead our community with confidence - in our cause, in our role, and in our abilities! 

So, I’ve had to CONSCIOUSLY work to increase my confidence by getting CLOSER to God, through His beautiful Word. This has been a major God-fidence booster for me. SO MANY powerful Scriptures help put away the lie that somehow God wants me “small” and less-than. They tell me a different story - one of boldness, assurance in my calling and abilities, one of COURAGE! That means there’s no place for low self-esteem or insecurity.

It sounds over-simplified, but truly - the more time I spend “hanging out” with Him - in nature, in the Word, in Worship, in prayer and meditation - the more confident I grow! My confidence begins to ooze out of me naturally, not coming from a place of pride in myself or “what I’ve done” but from that “knowing in my knower that” that God looks on me with an immovable love and He is always proud of me, like a loving Dad to his kid.

Do any of you struggle with this? Is it easy for you to walk in confidence as a leader, or do you look down on yourself or feel less-than sometimes? Let’s chat because this is an important topic to cover! 

#3  Think outside the box!

Get creative (God gives us creativity!).

..and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills…     
— Exodus 31:3

Our creativity is from our CSO (Chief Spiritual Officer) so it never runs out and it’s always there when we need it. So many times in my biz journey, being creative meant pivoting in my direction, redefining goals and methods, stretching my brain into new ways and ideas and solutions. It’s not just for “creating” products or services or programs - but also applies to problem solving skills, both for your business AND your clients!

Try to get into the habit of thinking outside any boxes that are stunting or limiting you (whether on you from others OR your own mindset!) New, unlimited thinking will bring you through the toughest times and expand your mind, your reach and your rewards!

#4  Be a trendsetter, be a thought leader!

Not a trend follower.

In this time of social trends “dictating” our next move or decision, be a rebel to it! YOU, Coach, are a THOUGHT LEADER! You are a pioneer, a trail-blazer, a warrior of God-ideas, Word-ideas… ideas that are after His heart and for the purpose of helping others versus self-satisfaction. 

Break out of the world’s thinking of “me, me, me” and bring your thoughts into captivity, remember that we are Jesus with skin on. It’s “them, them, them” in our lives - and the cool thing is, when we focus on others, we end up being deeply rewarded from it!

Surrender your ideas to God and ask Him to place HIS IDEAS and Word-centered ones on your heart. Ask Him what He’d have you do as a leader, as a coach. As a woman or man who is positioned in leadership in your community. As a writer, as a speaker, as a teacher, as a Spirit-filled activist.

Set trends through your example and sharing that are healthy, positive, and boldly after God’s way. Watch others follow you, but not because of YOU, it’ll be because of the ONE you are pointing them to!

#5  Be brave, be fearless, be bold!

Share your message with boldness. Speak it out loud, even if your voice shakes!

This one can be tough. We are being censored by platforms more these days, and that can often make us more timid, as we try not to stir the pot or light the flame. But God’s Word says to be a light on a hill! Can’t get more visible than that… so what will you do? Shrink in a time of opposition like never before?

Sometimes our “opposition” isn’t others, it’s our own insecurity or reluctance. Or the whispers of the enemy in our ear, telling us why we shouldn’t, how we’re not qualified, or some other lie. NO matter what it is, we’ve got to put it behind us, embrace the God-given boldness on the inside of us, and get to work!

I dare you to step out and up for His purpose! There’s a way to do that without necessarily drawing negative attention to your message. Use wisdom and ask God to show you how to speak boldly with a clever, strategic approach. 

The bottom line is, if God’s given you a bold message to share - SHARE IT! Share it wisely, but share it boldly. Many are to see, hear or read it, for the saving of them! You are not called to this as a comfortable role, but rather as a warrior. We’re choosing our calling over comfort! What a great reward there will be for our obedience.

#6  Do it first!

Is no one else doing it yet? YOU can do it first! Are others doing it, but you can see how to do it better? Do that!

This one is SO IMPORTANT. Whether someone else is already doing what God’s telling you to do or not, there’s a place at the table for you. A reason He’s asking you to do it. 

  • You will reach people they are not. 

  • You will deliver the message and solutions differently than they will. 

  • You will grow in a way in your own life and qualities that you wouldn’t otherwise. 

Whatever God’s reason is, He knows! And I look forward to you seeing the reward of getting busy and DOING IT out of obedience. 

Watch God be present as you lead, lead you as you lead others, and reward your faithfulness.

You, Coach, are a leader. You’ve got this. I pray the best for you as you follow God’s lead to build your best business, and minister to His people - the ones He brings to you - as you do! He has great things in store for you.

This post is from Week 12 of our 52-week Foundations Coach Challenge. If you haven’t yet, join us in this FREE challenge and watch your business soar to new heights!

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