Coach Suzanne Penn


Suzanne Penn is the founder & CEO of Radiant Bloom Yoga and Wellness.

She is a retired Registered Nurse and is legally blind.

Certified Christian Health Coach through the Christian Health Coach Academy, she’s passionate about helping women be the healthiest they can be mind, body, and Spirit; while encouraging them to go after their dreams! She’s also passionate about women living without shame or guilt in the beautiful bodies God created.

Suzanne Penn

Also a Certified Yoga Faith Instructor and Ambassador, she has over 1000+ hours of yoga training. She is also a Revelation Wellness Ambassador and Trigger Point Foam Rolling Certified.

She is also a strong proponent for eating real food and is anti-diet. (Ask her about her traumatic fad diet experience...she will definitely share). Suzanne cares for the well-being of others and has made that her life mission.


To Contact Coach Suzanne:



Mailing address:
P. O. Box 545
New Windsor, Maryland 21776


Coaching Packages:

Coaching Specialties:

*Fad Diet Recovery
*Healthy Lifestyle Skills
*Weight Management
*Gut Health
*Body Positivity
*Spiritual Health
*Mental Wellness
*Yoga & Meditation
* Healthy Habits
*Healthy Eating, Healthy Movement, Healthy Mind

Health/Life Coaching


Suzanne’s Story:

In 2010 my world was turned upside down due to a diagnosis of thyroid cancer.

In 2008 I lost my dad to a host of health problems resulting from processed food and an unhealthy lifestyle. In 2011 I was diagnosed again with thyroid cancer. All of this was a wake up call which propelled me to start taking my health more seriously, becoming a yoga & fitness instructor, engaging in healthier habits, and being more active.

After doing a fad diet that ravaged my body I went full throttle into healing my body.

In that process I realized how destructive fad diets, processed food, and a negative mindset really were to our health.
I knew my God ordained purpose was Health/Life Coaching! I am so passionate about helping others live 'WELL'! Coaching is pure joy for me! What better blessing than walking with others on their journey!

After doing coaching for a ‘fad’ diet and realizing how damaging programs are to our body, mind, and Spirit, I knew I needed to make a change. I felt called to help others get healthy eating real food and start my own health coaching business ministry. I am finally living in my God calling and I absolutely love it! Helping others live their healthiest life is truly my passion!
— Coach Suzanne Penn

Powerful Coaching Moments:

*Clients being able to decrease prescribed medication or come off of medication.
*Client managing weight eating REAL FOOD
*The humbling experience of clients telling me I am an Angel, and showing immense gratitude for my knowledge, compassion, and kindness.